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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sharepoint2010 Installation

          Now that you have downloaded the installable lets go ahead and install the platform on the system.

Step 1-
Before you start installation download the update given in the link →  

Step 2-
Once you install the updates click on the exe file to start the installation and you will see a splash screen of the SharePoint, 

when you click on Install Sharepoint Server you will see an error message as given below.

This error appears because SharePoint is by default set to be installed on the server and not on the normal OS. But there are 2 workaround for this by modifying the config.xml file.

a) When we started with the installation by clicking on the exe file it would have extracted all the files to a location on the machine. So if you go to Process Explorer while the splash screen is still present then go to the sharepoint process and check the Image properties in the Properties window then you can see the location where it has extracted the files.

b) if you dont want to do all this then just execute the following command in the command prompt
<path of the executable file> /extract:<path of the extracted files>
Once this is done then go to the config.xml in the setup folder and add the below tag into it
<Setting Id=”AllowWindowsClientInstall” Value=”True”/> . This setting will allow you to install the file on normal Windows OS as well. The config file now should look like the code given below.

        <Package Id="sts">
                <Setting Id="LAUNCHEDFROMSETUPSTS" Value="Yes"/>
        <DATADIR Value="%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Web 
ServerExtensions\14\Data" />
        <Package Id="spswfe">
                <Setting Id="SETUPCALLED" Value="1"/>

        <Logging Type="verbose" Path="%temp%" Template=
"SharePoint Server Setup(*).log"/>
        <!--<PIDKEY Value="Enter Product Key Here" />-->
        <Setting Id="SERVERROLE" Value="SINGLESERVER"/>
        <Setting Id="USINGUIINSTALLMODE" Value="1"/>
        <Setting Id="SETUPTYPE" Value="CLEAN_INSTALL"/>
        <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never"/>
        <Setting Id="AllowWindowsClientInstall" Value="True"/>

Step 3
Now click on the executable file from the folder which has the extracted files and you will see the splash screen again. Now install all the prerequisites required for SharePoint.
    c) Windows Identity Foundation (Windows6.1-KB974405-x64.msu)

Step 4 –
Once these are done go ahead start of with the installation, It will ask you for a product key even though its a trial version.

 So use the key VK7BD-VBKWR-6FHD9-Q3HM9-6PKMX which is also given in the details section in the page where you downloaded SharePoint. 

Step 5-
Next it will ask you to choose between StandAlone and FarmMode, I will choose Farm Mode since some of the features like PowerView and Excel Services require the Sharepoint to be Farm Mode. The installation starts and will take sometime depending on the hardware configuration on your system.

Step 6-
Once you complete the installation you need to configure the SharePoint installation. The Farm Mode requires you to have Domain\Account, if you are using your personal system which does not have a domain controller the UI wont allow you to install in the farm mode, but there is a workaround for this as well,
Go to Sharepoint Management Shell located in the start menu (given below is the image for the same)

Right Click on the Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell and click on 'Run as Administrator' A command prompt opens up, here you need to execute a SP which helps you configure Farm Mode by using your system account itself rather than using a Domain Account.
SP Name :New-SPConfigurationDatabase
DatabaseName :<your Database Name>
DatabaseServer:<Database Server Name>
FarmCredentials: it will open up a pop up window where you need to enter your credentials. For Username please use <domain>\<username> (if you dont have name, your machine name itself is the Domain).
PassPhrase : Password for the sharepoint.

Once this is done run the configuration, there will be a screen where you can choose to create a new Server Farm or connect to an existing farm. Since we already have created farm we will choose connect to an existing farm.

Step 7 -
it will then ask you if you want to configure the port for Central Administration and also its security settings. We use the default setting which port 16915, NTLM as Security Setting and click on next.

Step 8 -
You will notice that it has already picked up the farm database and other details. Click next and it will configure the sharepoint 2010. Once done you will get a image which is shown below.

Step 9 -
Once this is done click on the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration in the start menu as shown below.

This should open up a web page as shown below.

You have now successfully installed and configured SharePoint 2010. Please let me know if you have any trouble while installing the same.

The next post will be about configuring services and accounts on the SharePoint portal.