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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Deploying SSAS on IIS

This post is about deploying SSAS cube on IIS

Deploying cube in IIS

Step 1 - Go to the root folder and create a folder <foldername>. In this I have created a folder called SSAS. Go to <SQL Server Installation path>\<SSAS Folder>\OLAP\bin\isapi and copy the content to the folder which you have created in the root folder.

Step 2 - Open inetmgr and create an application pool on .NET Framework V2.0 and Managed pipeline mode of classic as shown in the image below.

Step 3 - Once this is done, create a new web site with the physical path pointing to the folder which you have created in step 1.

Step 4 - Click on website name and then under IIS double click on Authentication.


Step 5 - Once it is done right click on Anonymous authentication and click on disable and then enable windows authentication in the same way.


Step 6 - Double click on Handler Mappings and on the actions click on Script map same as in step 4.

Step 7 - For Request Path enter *.dll, Executable - point it to the msmdpump.dll in the folder of the report and name it.       

Step 8 - Go to the website folder and you can see a web config file. You need to add the server name <ServerName> as shown below

Step 8 - Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to Analysis Service. Once it is done for the server name type the url of the website http://localhost:9999/msmdpump.dll and click on connect.

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